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Optimiser Hints

Posted by philiphowe on April 3, 2009

Metalink Note 29236.1
Hints always force the use of the cost based optimizer. Use ALIASES for the tablenames in the hints and ensure tables are analyzed.

/*+ HINT HINT … */ – In PLSQL the space between the ‘+’ and the first letter of the hint is vital so /*+ ALL_ROWS */ is fine but /*+ALL_ROWS */ will cause problems.

Optimizer Mode

FIRST_ROWS, ALL_ROWS – Force CBO first rows or all rows
RULE – Force Rule if possible
ORDERED – Access tables in the order of the FROM clause
ORDERED_PREDICATES – Use in the WHERE clause to apply predicates in the order that they appear. This does not apply predicate evaluation on index keys


PUSH_SUBQ – Causes all subqueries in a query block to be executed at the earliest possible time (>=7.2)
NO_MERGE(v) – Use this hint in a VIEW to PREVENT it being merged into the parent query (>=7.2) or use NO_MERGE(v) in parent query blockto prevent view V being merged
MERGE(v) – Do merge view V
MERGE_AJ(v) – Put hint in a NOT IN subquery to perform (>=7.3)
HASH_AJ(v) – SMJ anti-join or hash anti-join. (>=7.3) e.g. SELECT .. WHERE deptno is not null AND deptno NOT IN (SELECT /*+ HASH_AJ */ deptno …)
HASH_SJ(v) – Transform EXISTS subquery into HASH or MERGE
MERGE_SJ(v) – semi-join to access “v”
PUSH_JOIN_PRED(v) – Push join predicates into view V
NO_PUSH_JOIN_PRED(v) – Do NOT push join predicates


FULL(tab) – Use FTS on tab
CACHE(tab) – If table within <Parameter:CACHE_SIZE_THRESHOLD> treat as if it had the CACHE option set – only applies if FTS used
NOCACHE(tab) – Do not cache table even if it has CACHE option set – only relevant for FTS
ROWID(tab) – Access tab by ROWID directly e.g. SELECT /*+ ROWID( table ) */ … FROM tab WHERE ROWID between ‘&1’ and ‘&2’;
CLUSTER(tab) – Use cluster scan to access ‘tab’
HASH(tab) – Use hash scan to access ‘tab’
INDEX(tab [ind]) – Use ‘ind’ to access ‘tab’
INDEX_ASC(tab [ind]) – Use ‘ind’ to access ‘tab’ for range scan
INDEX_DESC(tab [ind]) – Use descending index range scan (Join problems pre 7.3)
INDEX_FFS(tab [ind]) – Index fast full scan – rather than FTS
INDEX_COMBINE(tab i1..i5) – Try to use some boolean combination of bitmap index/s i1,i2 etc
INDEX_SS(tab [ind]) – Use ‘ind’ to access ‘tab’ with an index skip scan
AND_EQUAL(tab i1.. i5) – Merge scans of 2 to 5 single column indexes
USE_CONCAT – Use concatenation (Union All) for OR (or IN) statements (>=7.2)
NO_EXPAND – Do not perform OR-expansion i.e. do not use concatenation
DRIVING_SITE(table) – Forces query execution to be done at the site where “table” resides


USE_NL(tab) – Use table ‘tab’ as the driving table in a Nested Loops join. If the driving row source is a combination of tables name one of the tables in the inner join and the NL should drive off the entire row-source. Does not work unless accompanied by an ORDERED hint.
USE_MERGE(tab..) – Use ‘tab’ as the driving table in a sort-merge join. Does not work unless accompanied by an ORDERED hint.
USE_HASH(tab1 tab2) – Join each specified table with another row source with a hash join. ‘tab1’ is joined to previous row source using a hash join. (>=7.3)
STAR – Force a star query plan if possible. A star plan has the largest table in the query last in the join order and joins it with a nestedloops join on a concatenated index. The STAR hint applies when there are at least 3 tables and the large table’s concatenated index has at least 3 columns and there are no conflicting access or join method hints. (>=7.3)
STAR_TRANSFORMATION – Use best plan containing a STAR transformation (if there is one)

Parallel Query Option

PARALLEL(table,<degree>[,<instances>]) – Use parallel degree / instances as specified
PARALLEL_INDEX(table,[index,[degree[,instances]]]) – Parallel range scan for partitioned index
PQ_DISTRIBUTE(tab,out,in) – How to distribute rows from tab in a PQ (out/in may be HASH/NONE/BROADCAST/PARTITION)
NOPARALLEL(table) – No parallel on “table”
NOPARALLEL_INDEX(table [,index]) – No parallel on “index”


APPEND – Only valid for INSERT .. SELECT. Allows INSERT to work like direct load or to perform parallel insert. See Note 50592.1
NOAPPEND – Do not use INSERT APPEND functionality
REWRITE(v1[,v2]) – 8.1+ With a view list use eligible materialized view Without view list use any eligible MV
NOREWRITE – 8.1+ Do not rewrite the query
NO_UNNEST – Add to a subquery to prevent it from being unnested
UNNEST – Unnests specified subquery block if possible
SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS – Allows the user to switch the inputs of a join. See Note 171940.1

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